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The ATC 250R
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The Vintage Trike Gallery

Add Your trike photo here... Email us your photo in .jpg or .gif format, pictures must be no larger than 2mb in size. We're looking for miscellaneous off-road trikes from days gone by.

We're looking for Yamaha, Suzuki, and Kawasaki trikes as well as various models of classic Honda trikes. Some examples are the Tecate, the Tri-Z 250, and the 350X. We'll add all received photos on our next update. Click any thumbnail to enlarge it.

Please allow a few days for pics to be added as I still update the gallery by hand.

Future of the 250R

Stay tuned as we continue to add new photos and reading material... The future of the 250R is in your hands.

Keep on Ridin'...

Elsewhere in Triking